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Tips for Preparing for Prayer Vigil

Before entering into the prayer vigil, you may find that preparing yourself and your space allows you to have a more meaningful and sacred experience. Here are some tips and techniques offered by our prayer vigil ministry.


Create your own sacred space. Have an area all to yourself, where you can be uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes. Wear comfortable clothing and sit in a manner that allows you to feel supported and nurtured for this length of time as well.


Find a meditative technique that works best for you. Often, concentrating on your breath will bring you into the Silence and to that sacred place of conscious connection within God. You can also repeat an affirmation (similar to chanting). For example: “I see wholeness in all people” or “There is no lack in divine life.” (We will provide a list of affirmations to choose from as well.)


Be prepared for an emotional experience and allow it to happen. The prayer vigil is a powerful space, not restricted to a location, and its energy can have an incredibly meaningful impact.


Have some comforting items nearby. Create your own altar of sorts with a lit candle and perhaps a book of worship or pictures of loved ones. Anything that speaks to your heart.


Set aside 30 minutes. At Silent Unity, each prayer associate stays in the vigil chapel for 30 minutes. Consider committing to pray for this time period. In this way you maintain the tradition that has been done at Silent Unity for more than 125 years.


Stay in the stillness. Your comfort is important, and it is okay to move or adjust as you pray. However, walking around or anything that distracts from the sanctity of the moment should be avoided.


Visit as often as you like. We encourage you to find time each day for this sacred work.


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